student loans in the united states
student loans in the united states


Do you have fun experience about student loans in the United States? Will you share these experiences with our readers? Please read the following information.

As a student in the United States, of course you have experience about the world of education itself as well as financial constraints that may be experienced alone or experienced by your friends.

Especially for those of you who are educated in the United States with loan funds, it will be very good and useful, if you share those experiences with others, - in this case the readers of our blog.

By sharing experiences about student loans in the United States, it will provide a straightforward picture for other students who may currently need student loans in the United States for their education. And what you will share here, will be very good for those who need that information.

How do you share your experience through guest posts?

The method is very easy. Just follow the steps below.
  1. Write down your experience about student loans in the United States, in 1000 words.
  2. Articles are written using the text-editor "Notepad" (example file: Pasalanda.txt).
  3. Also include pictures or photographs (min. 1 picture of yourself) during your education.
  4. You may include a link to your blog (if any) on your profile.
  5. Package files of articles and supporting photos in the form of "* .zip or * .rar". Upload to google drive and set the file for download.
  6. Contact us using the contact form under this web blog, and also submit the url link to your article file (on Google Drive), for our download.
  7. We will review, edit (if needed) and immediately publish your article on this blog website.
We have a target in the future to pay for each article published on our blog website. Please take advantage of this opportunity as part of your income source.